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24일에 셤보는데.. 몇점나올지 체크좀 부탁드려요.. 꼭이요!!제발..

물렁 | 조회 725 | 추천 0
  • 2002.12.21
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
24일에 셤보는데 처음 써보거든요. 단어는 무척 쉬운것만 알고... 그저 서론본론결론만 나눌줄 아는 정도입니다. 213점을 넘어야 하는데 그러려면 지금 실력으론 적어도 3.5는 나와야 하거든요. 몇점이나 나올수 있고 뭘 보완해야 좋을까요... 꼭좀 체크해주세요. 정말 쉬운 단어만 있어요...ㅜㅜ Q:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Most students are assisted by libraries in several ways. I believe that universites should give more money to their university libraries than their students' sports activities. There are the most three reasons why universites invest more money to their libraries; firstly books are good to accumulate knowledge, secondly librares give students environment that make study well, and lastly libraries help save money. The purpose of universites is that students can study various fields. Although students take several classes, they can't know all fields. For this reason, students read diverse books. Books are helpful to know that students have not learned and experienced. Besides, students want to study in the best environment. They need several expert books to study their major and clean, quiet room to study for researches and exams. Libraries can gie all of them. More importantly, students can save money because libraries have several expensive expert books. Even though most students have little money, the tuition and cost of books are too expensive to buy themselves. To sum up, libraries are beneficial to student in several ways. I think it might be a better idea if universities five more money to libraries than to students' sports activites.
♨ 실시간 토플 Q&A 인기글 ♨

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