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낼모레가 셤인데 좀봐주시고 점수좀 알려주세요

270을 향해 | 조회 617 | 추천 8
  • 2002.12.22
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their student learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. A main concern of the world today is the education or our children. People wonder how the education that their children recieve could be better. They develop different programs that either fail or have tremendous impact on the affected schools. One proposed idea is to pay teachers only according to how much their students learn. Some people say that this is not very efficient way, however, I believe paying teachers by their students help teachers to teach better and it is fair for teachers, too. First of all, to give money for teachers according to their students can stimulate them to teach better. They would try to teach students more efficiently and make their students smarter. Some teachers give up some of their students because they think their students are not very smart and can not understand what they are saying. However, if teachers try hard to teach them, they would realize that the students are not stupid, but thay understand little slower that others. Therefore, if teachers are paid according to the amount of what their students learn, they would not give up their studernts and try hard to teach better. Moreover, it is fair to pay according to their students. If teachers are paid all same, some people would not teach their student hard. For instance, in my school, there are two physical education teachers and every teacher paid all same. On of them is my P.E teacher and he does not teach well. he always appear in class lately and do not teach us but usually just let us to play sports. However, another P.E teacher in my school teach students hard and the difference in grade between my class and others classes is big. My class students want to learn from another teacher but it is impossible. As seen in the example, if teachersare paid all same, some people would try not to teach efficiently and just let students play in classroom. In conclusion, I strongly believe that paying teachers according to their students learn stimulates them to teach better and it is fair for them. Although most of the teachers try to teach students hard but to prevent some teachers who do not teach well, teachers shouldbe paid accoring to how much their students learn. 페러프레이징을 해야겠는데 잘 못하겠어요, 단어가 다양하지 못한거 같은데 어떻게 해야될지 좀 알려주세요..-_-;
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