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왕초보 글입니다 ..따끔한 충고부탁

윤미 | 조회 657 | 추천 0
  • 2002.11.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
*In general people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. I firmly believe that the reasons why people are living longer now are the development of medicine, the change of thinking, and the improvement of quality of life. Let me explain the details one by one. First of all, the development of medicine encouraged people to live longer now. Before the medicine was not fully developed, many people died of various sickness.for example, the people who contracts TB can survive thanks to the development of medicine. Second ,the change of thinking of health caused people to have longer life. Nowadays the importance of health is emphasized increasingly.people ,accordingly,tend to protect their body from polluted materials.they try to eat more healthy food and exercise regularly. Third, the improvement of quality of life enabled people to have longer life. About twe decades , people tends to concern only money. At that time they concentrate their life on surviving ,but they care to concern their health in reacent days as the quality of life was improved. In conclusion, the reasons above can explain my opinion about having longer life. The survey shows that more than 70% people hope to live longer than now. Thanks to the reasons I stated , people have longer life than now.
♨ 실시간 토플 Q&A 인기글 ♨

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