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즐겨찾기 추가

001.. 대학 가야하는 이유가 뭐니?

직딩녀 | 조회 800 | 추천 7
  • 2002.11.08
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
0001 People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Nowadays more and more people attend university than in the past. The more our society becomes modernized, the more knowledge is required. Because especially society is full of invisible competitions from which more knowledge ensures the victory, many people exerts themselves to obtain information. This tendency naturally results in going to university. We have many reasons to attend university; we can prepare for the activities of society, and learn much knowledge. In this essay, I will think about these reasons. First of all, we can be eligible persons who can meet the need of our society. Namely, we can learn lots of skills that our society demand. For example, university can give us method to overcome the obstacles , which is essential for surviving in the future society. Another skill is to cope with competitions. We should take exams and get a better mark than our friends. Other activities such as participating in sports or getting scholarship can teach us how to deal with competitions. I think this competition that results from university is the starting point of that of society. The most important factor is that we can learn knowledge from university. In modern society, sources of knowledge that originate from all over the world are waiting for us, and the rate at which the amount of knowledge accumulates is above our imagination. From learning knowledge we can improve our abilities and become specialists. In addition, modern universities co-work with the universities from other countries because the world is getting so closer and smaller that in order to survive we should know the knowledge of other countries. These cooperations are very good chance in which we can have a broad outlook. University can yield many specialists who have their own majors, and these persons at last contribute to the development of the world. So far, I have explained detailed reasons for what we should attend university. Other reasons also exist such as improving our characteristics with the help of team activities, having a chance to meet potential spouse, and so forth. Therefore I think we should attend university or college. University is essential for us and our society, ultimately for the world. If we would make the best of the programs with which university provide for us, we could be well-rounded persons and conduce to the welfare of human beings. Students who are now in university should do their utmost! 시험이 얼마 남지 않았네요. 이렇게 쓰면 몇 점이나 맞을지 여러분께서 판단해주시면 정말 감사하겠어요.
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